
Creating A subdomain, Addon Domain and Domain Alias Print

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To create either a subdomain, an addon domain or a domain alias, follow this four easy steps:

1. Login to the control panel using the link shared with you.

2. Click on the card that has a screenshot and domain you want  to add either sub-domain, addon domain or a domain alias.

3. On the page that opens, click on domains as shown bellow on the navigation menu:

4. On the next page, click on the button Add Domain as shown bellow:

5. On the available buttons as pointed out on the screenshot bellow, choose the one that applies to you. If it is a subdomain name, select the subdomain button. If an addon domain, choose the addon domain button, then fill in your domain details in the text area bellow it. In my case I used a subdomain. click the add button at the bottom.

That is all you need to add either a subdomain, an addon domain or a domain alias.


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